I have not really touched the allotment since last week, but Richard has been very busy. He has dug out bed A (Thats our new designations) and marked out bed B (He is trying the no dig method) with cardboard both 4x1.5 m.

Not only this but he has been busy putting in the first plants, radishes and Salad here under the netting, like I said he has been busy!!

Speaking of weeds.... Remember we cleared this bed just under two weeks ago, richard spent hours digging out roots, tilling the soil and trust me we had a mound of roots a foot high...But, the darn things came back again I looked in the bed saw some greenery, thought ahh its a little thing.. Pulled, no joy, dug my hands into the soil...Felt around, thought hmmm, and pulled..Out came this:

At least a foot long there where about three of these in total..
Nature count this week has been richard seeing Moor Hens going up and down the culvert this week since I cleared it out..Thank goodness I did as yesterday we had all of July's rain in a day... Here are the fruits of the labour, a swift running stream, which is slowly clearing down, note we will probably use the mud on the beds as fertiliser as it is well rotted down Leaves etc..

Finally, the end of the culvert now open, I took about 10-12 old pots a piece of large wood and several branches out of here last week, result, a free flowing, draining culvert that should, fingers crossed, not flood again.. It seemed to regularly flood the bend here due to silt deposits being placed into the corner naturally, have to keep an eye on that over the next months/years..

This weekend we go get a greenhouse (ebay bargain 62 quid, 6x8 glass aluminum frame..), start to clear the greenhouse section and lay the base..
Finally, good night plot 13!

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