Hi all,
Bet you didn't think you'd see another post so soon!! Suprise :)
Anyhow, we left the last post rather depressed by an empty culvert and no water..Good news, still empty culvert, but some water (rain) kissed our allotment briefly on friday and saturday, although the sahara days seem over (32-35 degrees) it is still dry, bone dry..
Anyhow, on with the post...Last week we harvested the purple cauli and the question was asked will it turn the water purple? First we sliced..

As you can see...Drum roll..It's white in the middle!!! Another victim was also picked on this day....Calabrase (Unfortunatley blown due to the heat) and out first lottie spuds..Maris Peers...
We then had the technology, the know how and the will power to convert this bunch of malicious, vicious audacious veggies into a meal.... Note we did not grow or slaughter the pig in the middle of the plate ..

This was a lottie meal...Swiss Chard....Calabarase, potatoes and purple cauliflower. Food was delicious and tasty, vegetables where fantastic..
Big question...Was the water purple?...Drum Roll.........

Yes.. Disclaimer...No artificial colours used in this product, no artificial sweetners or preservatives.....Ahhh on with the show..
Went down today, planted a row of sugar snap pea anne...Hope she is a queen and grows proud...

Around 30 in the bed...The old garlic bed..We turn things around very quickly on Plot 13.. Inside the mad fruit bed it looks very calm, the raspberries are gowing.

The gooseberries are also growing well...

The raspberries are nice little treats on the allotment at the moment, go down and pick a few a day, beautiful sweet raspberries. I also was lucky this year and got a load of gooseberries this year..Upto now I would say we have harvested probably a pound or two of raspberries, remember this is the first year so lucky to get some.. Todays harvest:

Finally, a look out over the allotment the beans are growing well!!

Good night all, until the next time...