Here is our currently monthly update..
It's been a busy month, rich has built the massive skyskraper fruit cage frame, we are preparing for tatties, we had snow, then it went, then we had severe cold snap, then we had high temperatures, then we had more snow and rain...What a start..Coldest winter in 18 years. So how is the plot looking?
Well the difference 2 weeks makes to cabbages is seen below... 1st is Feb 16th Bottom is today....
Feb 16th..
And Today....
Growth is going really well.Here is one of our wintessa savoys.
You can see the pidegon damage from earlier in the year, but the centre of the cabbage is forming a heart now, we'll be looking to harvest in April by all accounts. As you can see our brassica bed is a bit crowded, we'll be cutting out some spring greens in the next week or two to thin them out so the rest can grow nice and large..
Another nice looking brassica is in the other bed, I believe the variety is punch.
Not sure if this variety will form hearts or we will just take loose greens.
Our blackcurrants have survived transplanting and are starting to sprout nicely..
Continuing in the fruit vein, rhubarb is looking bigger.
Rich has been very busy again, his latest construct is the fruitbed skyscraper, remember he is over 6ft 6 tall ;). Inside the sky scraper we have gooseberries, white currants, red currants, black currants and raspberries....
This construction is going no where and with stood the latest nasty winds we had this week.
Finally no look at the lottie would be complete without looking at our garlic...
We are going to have a good crop here me thinks...The leeks are looking fantastic as always..
Finally our new construction on the plot our heath robinson raised beds constructed by me :)
Here will be potatoes...Being planted this weekend (First batch)
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