Went down the lottie today, the allotment supervisor (B) had a present for george, a skull, of a vicious animal that was found dead in his plot..

Apparently, 3 years ago, at the crack of Dawn B was woken up by an awful racket... Something was fighting in the plot, scream, howl wail it went.. Then Silence... When they investigated in the morning the heart of a red cabbage had a huge gouge in it, from the top claw, to the bottom claw was a handspan's width, several plant where destroyed...Down on plot 19th a grim discovery...A headless fox, we think we found the head..
Seriously, an ocelot (wild cat) was seen walking across the plot back in 2005, one night a huge fight occured in the plot between a fox (skull above) and this cat, they eventually cornered it in cricklewood, excuse the artistic license it is a true story..
Here is the scary thing in the hands of indiana george..

Back to reality... Rich put together some beds today they look fantastic..

6x2 beds we got them from a reclamation yard (Comley in Farnham) they where old ceiling joists.
Wandering around the plot, the sprouts are doing very well towards the back of the plot.

The parsnips are enormous, for reference I put my finger by it...

They where only started back in febuary and they are supposed to stay in until December..Scary... Might have to lift one soon.
The pentland javelins are over now, they are second earlies so are on track there.. I'll let you know how it looks, we are getting about 1lb per plant from the maris peers, so things are hopefully the same here..

Finally, the eco pond is looking fantastic....

Good Night readers..
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