It's looking good, quite a few panes missing but that was due to how we transported them... Oh my camera is working today so lots of pictures!
So a quick check of the plants...Starting with cabbages...
They have launched in the last couple of weeks..
French bean bed looking grand..
Where next on the plot... Ahh the leeks, these guys are doing really well, a couple look like they might have problems but on the whole doing ok..
So I dug out bed H today, last week it was a flaming pit of fire and ash...Today it is transformed into a bed H.
So now looking from the back to the front of the lottie we look like this..
Looking from front to back we see this..
Where the brambles is like a waste land, I'll move quickly to turn those into beds otherwise it looks very scruffy, cannot be helped of course but we want to be good allotment neihgbours...That is the old greenhouse in the background, pity it didn't have a roof, we'll talk to Bob and see if he knows anyone who wants to scrap it.
Finally, here is how the vision is looking with the leak shack and the Greenhouse..
Alloment 13 is getting there slowly but surely, we have the blank canvas, we have the spades and forks to paint the picture, all we need now is time.....Tomorrow bed I, Hopefully, next to the greenhouse.
Good night all!
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