We went to a small one in the area and met the site supervisor, he said we had to wait until April, we spotted a bramble laden plot, plot 13 in the background, no one would take it on and it was a massive task.
We ummed and ahhed, then we discussed with the internal committe (aka the wives) and we decided to do it.. We managed to persuade the site supervisor we would take it (A very nice man) he thinks we are nuts, but hey two good guys, a spade and will power...
Today, June 27th we recieved the key to the allotment...
Left image is from back of the plot, right image from the front.

A train line runs down the back and a big electricity supply station to the rear..She is approximiatley 5m wide by about 22-30m long, a big plot.
She has been neglected since june last year, the brambles are approx 6ft high and the nettles as high, it shows the quality of the soil in place that they have grown this much in a year. Below is a remenant of a strawberry patch (Look at the size of the strawberry!)

Our first piece is to clear a section 5m deep by 11m wide. We plan to put a Shed at the end, with a water butt and a compost heap.. This is how it looks today, we'll update as we go..

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