Sunday, 28 June 2009

Where has all the rain gone?

Hi Readers,It's been a long time again, but hey sometimes life takes over.
One question where has all the rain gone?

Anyhow long time readers will wonder what has happened since I last updated? Well the cabbages, and cauli's came and went (tasty too)...

So now things are coming along well.. We have been busy and trying to conserve water on the allotment is critical right now, as soon as we put water on it just drains away or turns to steam.

Ahh you maybe wondering what that is next to the greenhouse...Runner beans, where there were once cabbages there now be beans!...In the front there is the mulch on top of the old fallow bed, it had anyas in it...

These where then harvested into 3.5kg of Potatoes.

It was quite a small crop really but very tasty and beautiful texture.. Again all due to the rain..

Moving around the harvest we move over to the garlic.. Here is an old drying rack we salvaged from Rachel's grandads..All full of our garlic...Don't stand too close to the shack everybody...It's a bit stinky :)

On the bottom there are some lovely onions.. Here is the elephant garlic..

You can see it is almost twice the size of the normal cloves..
Moving over to the greenhouse it is like a jungle, it is hot in there darn hot hence the shading.. Tomatoes are on one side and peppers on the others with melons at the back..

Moving over to the fruit section now, we have netted out the monster cage, the raspberries are gorgeous to eat, very tasty and the blackcurrants are coming along nicely...On with the fruity show...

Again you can see the water saving things we need to be doing with the carboard, also it saves ritch's back, 2.5 hours one day he was in there weeding.

Back to the veggies...George has a purple cauliflower!!
Wonder if when we boil it it'll turn the water purple...I'll let you all know :)

Finally winding down, lets look at a typical lottie takeaway..Rich collected this tonight...Spring onions, swiss chard, nastursiums and radishes...

Oh rich has put in an eco pond, it's fab, he has an eye for these things, his aquarium at home is also a work of art..!!

What out..Frogs crossing ;)

Finally I leave you with this sobering thought....Last year the culvert was full of water we took the liberty to clear it down, darn good humus for bulking out the soil....

This year dry as a bone first time in 20yrs apparently and a heatwave coming......Good night readers...